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Limited Space Available

Come Enjoy the Entertainment, Food & Raffles! (Veterans/First Responders get 2 free raffle entries Over $2000 Total Value & discounts all around the park)

Meet exhibitors and businesses interested in your well-being and represented here for you. Vendors attending are healthcare, community service providers, VA benefits organizations, and education/training providers. The Veterans Celebration honors active & retired military veterans of all generations and the relatives that support as well as all our first responders! We hold this annual celebration to ensure that all veterans are aware of benefits they have access to.

*This event is free and open to the public!

Supporting Sponsors

Become A Support Sponsor!

The requirements for being a highlighted event sponsor is a minimum $300 commitment towards our 501c3 fiscal sponsor that builds affordable housing for veterans. We also accept equivalent in-kind donations towards the raffle like free services, memberships, tickets, etc. We accept and appreciate donations of any size to support our veterans!

Promoting sponsors will be featured in our media push through major outlets, radio stations, & even tv appearance on the news!

Veterans Day, originally Armistice Day, is an annual holiday in the U.S to honor veterans. It is a national holiday celebrated each year on November 11. This day also marks the end of World War I (The battlefields officially ceased fighting at 11am on November 11, 1918 when Germany signed the armistice)


November 11th

13:00 - 17:00 (1-5pm)

Downtown Container Park (Lawn/Stage Area)

707 Fremont St. Las Vegas, 89101

Powered by: Pinnacles

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